
咨询注册 & 帐单日历 日历 & 最后期限 section of this website for registration dates for the current year.

More information about registration for new 和 current students below.

你什么时候注册?? 这取决于.

  • 秋季ca88登录正确网址的本科新生:

    will be eligible to begin registration in July 和 will meet with an advisor in advance of registration, Keep an eye out for an email with your registration time.

  • New undergraduate students entering in the Winter, Spring, or Summer quarter:

    The Discoveries Orientation Office will contact you about orientation 和 registration.

  • 转学:

    The Discoveries Orientation Office will send you information about orientation 和 registration eligibility.

  • 当前的学生:

    你 can find your registration start time by checking your Student Profile or the Prepare for 登记 link in the 登记 section of My4D.

  • Undergraduate summer special-status, visiting or non-degree-seeking students:

    If you're enrolling only in DU summer courses, you can register under open enrollment. 欲知详情,请浏览 Summer@DU. If you're interested in continuing at DU beyond summer quarter, 你必须填写我们的ca88登录正确网址申请.

  • Non degree-seeking graduate students or graduate students visiting from another institution:

    Review information, policies 和 procedures for Graduate 非学位的学生. 然后,填写并提交 研究生非学位申请 each quarter to maintain your registration eligibility. 联系 the Office of Graduate Education at 303-871-2706 or by email at gradinfo@du.Edu获取更多信息.


If you’re enrolled or interested in these schools or 项目, contact them directly to register.


Be sure to check your registration status before registration begins. 注册成立 会阻止你注册吗.



The Time Ticket assignment process controls 和 manages the size 和 order of registration times. Time assignments are generated based on the number of credits a student has earned, 包括出国留学和转学分, 和 hours in progress (credits for which the student has registered but have not been graded). The system is designed so that the closer the student is to completing their degree, the more priority they are given to take the specific classes they need to finish their program. Students are placed in groups of 50-70 students in 10-minute timing intervals.


The yzcca88游戏登录网址 allows priority registration for the following types of students:

  • Students with an approved accommodation through the Disability Services Program
    • 需要预先安排支援服务的学生, such as sign language interpreters that are necessary for accommodation;
    • Students who have physical constraints due to mobility loss, speed, 和/or endurance;
    • Students who have physical or cognitive restrictions due to fatigue, 睡眠障碍, 药物副作用, or sustained concentration as verified by a physician, 医学报告, 或者心理教育评价;
    • Students who require medical treatment/intervention/therapy that highly impacts scheduling
  • 参加后备役军官训练军团的学生
  • 运动员
  • 大学的荣誉

Students granted priority registration are given an additional 45-credit placeholder in the calculation of their time assignment placing them in groups of students approximately one year ahead in progress toward their degrees. The groups of students accorded registration priority have been granted this based in recognition of unique scheduling constraints faced by these groups.


登记 for an upcoming quarter opens the seventh week of the quarter excluding summer registration. 学生按以下顺序注册:

  1. 登记 begins Monday of the 7th week of the quarter at 9 am with continuing graduate students.
  2. 登记 for continuing Social Work students begins on Wednesday of the 7th week of the quarter.
  3. New graduate students begin registration on Friday of the 7th week of the quarter.
  4. 登记 begins for continuing undergraduates at 9 am on Monday of the 8th week of the quarter.
  5. New undergraduate students 和 undergraduate transfer students begin registration on the last day (Friday) of 8th week of the quarter.

注意:班.S. 公民访问华盛顿-如果你不是美国人.S. 美国公民或美国公民.S. 永久居民, you can't register for classes at DU until you contact the Office of International Admission at 303-871-2790.


注册后, you may drop 和 add courses freely through the fifth business day of the quarter without financial penalty. 然而, if you don't begin registration before the first day of the quarter, you are assessed a late-registration service charge that cannot be waived.
